Hi, I'm Stephanie

a journalist and documentary photographer who loves tales of the natural and human world, and explores to document and celebrate both through visual storytelling.

I write and photograph for Dutch newspapers such as Trouw and Algemeen Dagblad, online platforms like MaatschappijWij or NGO’s such as Mensen met een Missie, IUCN, AlTo, Mosintuwu & KKI Warsi.

I have a passion for nature and animals, first studying veterinary medicine, and eventually getting a degree in environmental studies from Utrecht University. Topics around (mental) health, science, spirituality & human resilience also interest me a lot.

To broaden my photography skills, I took classes at Fotoacademie Amsterdam and in 2022 I got selected for a journalism talent program from DPG - Holland’s largest media company.

I enjoy collaborating with people, media, organizations and brands that uplift others and work towards a conscientious future. I am based in The Hague, The Netherlands but often out in the world.

Get in touch to work with me: stephaniebroekarts@gmail.com

What I’ve been up to lately